It was like throwing a dart into a vacuum
Is how I responded on Twitter to Mark Gould an offsite observer of #KMLegal2015 who bemoaned the lack of online activity by the 100 or so Knowledge & Information Management (KIM) professionals who were attending this year’s Ark Group gathering of the UK KM legal community.
Its baffling: vendors, consultants and indeed KIM practitioners promote the value of social collaboration tools such as Yammer and Jive. Indeed KIM professionals are often at the forefront of efforts to get adoption in their organisation in order to improve collaboration and knowledge sharing. Yet they seem reluctant to ‘walk the talk’ in a public forum.
Perhaps Joanna Goodman got it right when she said:
sessions were quite interactive, so hard to be fully engaged and tweeting
It made me think more about why I tweet at a conference, this is what I posted during a virtual conversation with Luis Suarez a prodigious tweeter (58k to nearly 12k followers):
Why tweet a conference? Expand reach, collaborate, collect and share thoughts ‘on the fly’. Make notes for future blogs.
What really struck me though was the contrast with the Janders Dean Legal Knowledge & Innovation Conference, London #JDKMConf held the week before. That audience made sufficient ‘noise’ that even those who didn’t attend were able to draw conclusions. Here’s what Stephen Sander (The Vue Post) wrote in a witty piece about being a non attendee:
I curated below what I consider to be the best tweets from the Conference. These tweets offer an interesting insight into current themes and issues in legal knowledge, innovation and technology.
Perhaps this is the difference? The Janders Dean event was invitation only – a thought leaders event – whereas KM Legal is an open conference, if you pay up you can go!
Whatever the merits of both, facilitation should be at the core of the KIM professionals competency set and ‘putting stuff out there’ ia good part of that. Too many broadcast rather than engage. Knowledge Management in a comfort zone is not going to change the way a firm works and responds to the significant challenges facing the legal profession which brings me onto why I was there:
Managing Virtual Teams
In December, Martin White and I ran a breakfast breakout event at the RSA entitled The Future for Legal KIM: an outside in perspective’. One of the challenges firms identified as significant but for which they were ill prepared was the management of virtual teams. As a couple of long in the tooth practitioners who have worked across many continents we’d seen a wide range of organisations fail to match their virtual team technology investment with training in how to go about facilitating virtual encounters.
Our brief for KM Legal 2015 was therefore entertain the audience, bring the issues to life. Our approach: tell stories and show images.
We divided the presentation into these areas each drawing on events from our knowledge base.
In tackling the culture piece I noted the following:
Let me say right up front: you can’t manage culture just the same as you can’t manage knowledge. In both cases you can create environments in which people are willing to collaborate, share and work towards a shared set of goals.
Many organisations have a set of values and a social contract that underpins the relationship between the firm and employees.
Ultimately a firm is a collection of individuals each with their own reasons for being there. In a virtual team people’s fears, prejudices and behaviours are magnified.
In thinking and rehearsing for the session Martin and I had worked virtually. We learned a lot about clarity of messages and intent behind words and phrase (and we are both English). We (re) discovered the need for a collaboration space with a framework that suited us both.
We discovered a lot more besides, here’s what we shared with the delegates:
Ten virtual team success factors
- Virtual teams are the way work gets done: Recognise that virtual teams are going to be increasingly important to any organisation, and ensure that current and potential participants have access to training and mentoring on virtual team management and virtual team meetings.
- Set very clear and achievable objectives: Virtual teams should have very clear objectives so that it is possible to set the investment in the team against the outcome and also that team members bring appropriate skills, expertise and authority to take action.
- Chose virtual team leaders carefully: Leadership skills that work for physical teams may not be as valuable in a virtual team environment. Other skills are needed and have to be acquired through practice, not just through reading or teaching.
- Develop protocols for virtual meetings; Without good team meetings a virtual team is very unlikely to achieve its objectives and so particular care should be taken in developing guidelines for virtual meetings and for facilitating feedback.
- Provide team member profiles: Develop good profiles of each team member, taking into account local availability of technology and offices which can be used to take part in virtual meetings (especially in the case of open-plan offices) and language expertise.
- Build virtual relationships before putting them to the test: Each team should have an opportunity to meet with other members of the team through an initial virtual meeting where members can introduce themselves and gain experience with the technology being used before the first formal meeting of the team.
- Team dynamics can be difficult to manage: Team dynamics of virtual teams can be quite fragile, often depending on a very high level of trust in people they may not have met before. Introducing a new team member into an existing team may mean starting the process of building trust all over again.
- Gain consensus on what needs to happen between meetings?: Team members may have different reporting lines, which may impede the overall achievement of objectives. The measure of a virtual team is what it accomplishes between meetings, not how enjoyable the meetings are
- “English is our corporate language”: Issues of language and culture need careful consideration but should never be an excuse not to bring specific individuals into a team. There may be a mix of abilities in reading, speaking, understanding and writing in English
- Evaluate team and individual performance: The performance of the team and of each member should be carefully evaluated and training and support given where needed.
Hi Paul, I have now finally had a chance to read your wonderful blog post shared above and I just couldn’t help thinking about a number of different things as I read through it. Specially, related to this quote: ‘ Yet they seem reluctant to ‘walk the talk’ in a public forum.’ This is a very understandable ‘but’, it’s what differentiates, to me, what most folks know as Social Business and what I call Open Business. It’s about how we still find it a bit challenging to open up to others, specially, total strangers on the Social Web and share our insights, key learning items, knowledge, expertise and what not. It’s the eternal transformation programme that needs to kick in for each and everyone of us.
Yes, I can imagine how there are lots of people who would tell you they can’t live tweet, while being at a conference event, because they can’t multitask and everything, but then again they continue to jot down their thoughts on paper (their paper), which means only they themselves benefit from such note taking activity. Public note taking, through tools like Twitter, can help serve a good number of different purposes, but the main one is a selfish one: for each and everyone of us remember some of the golden nuggets we get exposed to. The problem is we are not doing enough of it, because we haven’t reached that comfort level for us to share those thoughts without questioning ‘why should I?’.
I guess at the end of the day it’s about whether we have figured out the ‘What’s in it for me?’ question or not, and I suspect for most folks attending KM conferences these days the question has already been answered: ‘Knowledge is power’. Actually, here’s the thing: ‘Knowledge SHARED *is* power’. Time to move with the times of abundance and knowledge flows vs. knowledge stocks in paper silos no-one can access anymore!
By the way, that decalogue on getting the most out of virtual teams is SUPERB!! Totally deserves its own blog post to provide a terrific, rather solid, entry point on how to facilitate virtual teams doing lots of smart work ahead! Fantastic!! Thanks ever so much for generously sharing it across with everyone out there! Wonderfully inspiring!
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